
Last summer our old dog Lucy died. She was 11, and we’d bought her for one of my daughters when she turned 5. It’s always hard to say goodbye to a faithful farm dog. But it happens. She died in her sleep and for an old farm dog, that’s a good way to go. No scary drives to the vet, no collision with a car.

Not too long afterward, my oldest adult daughter found a litter of Great Pyrs on Craigslist and picked one up. So now we have Barnabas. He’s now about 10 months old.

One unfortunate thing about Great Pyrs is that they stay in the puppy stage for a really o long time. Barnabas is still there and probably will be for a long time yet.

He loves chewing on things. Sticks, bones, Amazon packages. Even my front porch rocking chairs. Sigh.

I’ll be glad when he outgrows the chewing thing. I feel pretty confident though that he’ll turn into a good dog one of these days. We’ll just have to try to minimize the damage in the mean time.

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